Press & News


Focus Ärzteliste 2020

Focus Ärzteliste 2020
Dr. Axel Arlt is once again among Germany's top physicians, following 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014 and 2013.

Gala beautify 2019

Gala beautify 2019
Dr. Axel Arlt is recommended in the Gala beautify among the best addresses for plastic and aesthetic surgery.

FOCUS Gesundheit 2019

FOCUS - Ärzteliste 2019
Dr. Axel Arlt is one of germanys best physicians

FOCUS Gesundheit 2018

FOCUS - Ärzteliste 2018
Dr. Axel Arlt is one of germanys best physicians

FOCUS Gesundheit August 2017

FOCUS - Ärzteliste 2017
Dr. Axel Arlt is one of germanys best physicians

FOCUS Gesundheit August 2016

FOCUS - Ärzteliste 2016
Dr. Axel Arlt is one of germanys best physicians

Magazin für ästhetische Chirurgie (MÄC) Heft 07/2014

Simultaneous internal and external secondary nasal septum plasty. Dr. Axel Arlt explains his technique for nose post-correction. (Publication)

Journal für ästhetische Chirurgie Heft 07/2014

Simultaneous internal and external secondary nasal septum plasty. Dr. Axel Arlt explains his technique for nose post-correction. Special print. (available at the practice)

Magazin für ästhetische Chirurgie (MÄC) Heft 03/2004

Face-Neck-Lift - Risks and complications - and how to avoid and treat them. Authors: Dr. Y. Levy, Dr. A. Arlt, Dr. F. Muggenthaler

FOCUS Gesundheit Juli 2014

FOCUS - Ärzteliste 2014
Dr. Axel Arlt is one of germanys best physicians

FOCUS Gesundheit Juli 2013

FOCUS - Ärzteliste 2013
Dr. Axel Arlt is one of germanys best physicians

TANGO Magazin Hamburg Sept. 2014

Advertorial about Dr. Axel Arlt and his facial surgery

TANGO Magazin Hamburg Juni 2014

Advertorial about Dr. Axel Arlt and his facial surgery

TANGO Magazin Hamburg Mai 2014

Citizens of Hamburg were asked - Dr. Axel Arlt

TANGO Magazin Hamburg Jan 2014

health & beauty - Aesthetics - Dr. Axel Arlt


Hamburgs health care market - Dr. Axel Arlt - Nosesurgery

DER HAMBURGER Frühjahr 2013

Hamburgs health care market - Dr. Axel Arlt - Facial Surgery

DR. ALSTERTAL Frühjahr 2013

How to find a good doctor
Dr. Axel Arlt and Dr. Hartmut Meyer practice clinic Brahmsallee in Hamburg


Dr. Axel Arlt is a member of the Assembly of Experts of German Nasal Surgeons. This exclusive council is constituted of a carefully selected circle of acknowledged nasal experts. Nose corrections are an extremely eclectic and demanding field and the modern, structure-preserving nose surgery makes a specialization inevitable.

One to two times a year, the experts are meeting up for having a brisk exchange of knowledge. Those meetings especially serve the patients - because of the discussion of difficult and extraordinary cases. Through mutual cooperative adivces and support, new solutions can be developed. The collective knowledge and the particular expertise can eventually help the patient. Every meeting also equals to a further education among the nose surgeons. Furthermore the Assembly of Experts of German Nasal Surgeons wants to rise the national and international presence of the subject "nose surgery", for strengthening the sensitivity for this complex topic.

Only a very small selection of plastic surgeons in Germany are able to fulfill the strict admission criteria for the Assembly of Experts of German Nasal Surgeons. Exclusivley specialists, who have already conducted over 1000 nose surgeries and who have more than ten years of experience in rhinoplasty, can become a member.

Get to know more about the Assembly of Experts of German Nasal Surgeons.

The subject of health has become increasingly important over the past years. But whom are people trusting when it comes to health and how can people find a good doctor? The magazine "Focus-Gesundheit" wanted to answer these questions with publishing the – well-known – "Focus-Ärzteliste".

In 2022 Dr. Axel Arlt is again one of Germany's top physicians from over 100 specialist areas, as in 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014 and 2013.

We can basically waive tamponades for nasal surgery. What is possible because of a special surgery technique. It refers to a chondroplastic surgery technique in combination with a special inner seam with self-absorbing threads. 

This method is much more expense for the surgeon but it is definitively worth it: Because the pain for the patient, caused by tamponades, will not occur.


Dr. Axel Arlt
Practice community

Esplanade 31 / Ecke Stephansplatz
D - 20354 Hamburg